30 Lessons in 30 Years!

With my 30th birthday just around the corner I started thinking back on my life and how much different things were just a few years ago. marie's atelier. With age comes experience and with experience comes wisdom and with wisdom the world takes on a whole new meaning..I am going to  share with you 30 lessons in 30 years I have leanred and experienced along the way that have made a huge impact on my life


  1. Everyone has something special to offer
  2. Life does not always go your way..But you have to find the positive in EVERY situation
  3. Live life with passion!! 나쁜형사 19-20회 다운로드!
  4. Your health is your most prized possession. Exercise at least 45 minutes 3 times a week and eat healthy at least 6 days a week openload 다운로드.
  5. Follow your DREAM NO MATTER WHAT!!!
  6. Surround yourself with positive people who inspire you to grow as a person
  7. It’s all about MINDSET
  8. I have come to realize that loving yourself is the most important thing you can love ipad file.
  9. You only get one family..So cherish the time you spend with them
  10. People come into your life and people go…..Just understand if they leave its ok, there are plenty of people yet to come into your life nvidia geforce 드라이버 다운로드.
  11. Give everything your best effort!! Anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift 송가황조 다운로드.
  12. Do things that scare you!
  13. Finish strong Minecraft Paradise Mode!
  14. Hire a mentor.
  15. Never stop LEARNING 드라스틱 치트 다운로드!
  16. Stop making excuses…I have learned you get a lot more done in half the time if you stop making excuses J
  17. We are where we are in life because of previous decisions we have made each sittal.
  18. You can have anything and everything in life…After you ask yourself this question..What do I want?… macbook chrome videos. Asking myself that question was like an aha moment for me.
  19. People will always put you down for dreaming big…That’s ok they just don’t understand.
  20. Writing a TO DO list is extremely helpful and also makes your days much more productive.
  21. I have learned that women are always right( I had to throw that one in there 🙂
  22. Find activities that make you happy and do them often!
  23. I have learned that true wealth in life is giving.
  24. Let people know often how much they mean to you.
  25. Do not be crippled by your fears use them as challenges to overcome.
  26. Write down goals..I have found that without goals you are less likely to accomplish things.
  27. Stop wishing and start DOING!!
  28. Be YOU everyday all the time!!
  29. Get at least 8 hours of sleep every night your body will thank you for it!!
  30. How you look is a product of how you live!